The Revenant

Magpie Tales blog invited people to submit a poem or vignette based on this picture.

Ophelia – Odilon Redon

She’ll get you in the end,
Stretched out and unaware,
Or watchfully expectant,
She’ll come, she always does.

Unable to resist, you’ll slip
Down gradually, gratefully,
Allowing sky blue water
To do its work.

Hag-like at times, she crouches,
Opening only to tighten her grip,
Taking hold, relentless,
She has you blinking in surprise.

Armed with cocked and deadly flowerings,
The maiden picks you off with horrific ease,
Inevitably you will submit, submerge,
In a stench of rotten perfume.

Link to Magpie Tales.

10 thoughts on “The Revenant

  1. Water covers all the sins of the world, eh ! .
    Reminds me of the Alison Krauss song from “oh brother where art though” . Great work !


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